Francisco Balaguer Callejón


Chair Jean Monnet ad personam

European Constitutional Law and Globalization


Seminars and Lectures

(September 2012-April 2013)


Seminars and Lectures concerning the new topics of the European Constitutional Law, directed by Francisco Balaguer Callejón, with the participation of:


Benito Alaez Corral, University of Oviedo, Professor of Constitutional Law, “Reflexiones constitucionales sobre la prohibición del velo islámico integral en Europa” ("Reflections on the constitutional ban on full Islamic veil in Europe"), Faculty of Law, 3 March 2013. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Miguel Ángel Presno Linera, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Oviedo, “Los derechos de igualdad, solidaridad y justicia en Europa: objeto y garantía” ("The rights of equality, solidarity and justice in Europe: subject and guarantee"), Faculty of Law, 20 March 2013. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Francisco J. Bastida Freijedo, Professor of Constitutional Law. University of Oviedo, “La prerrogativa de la inviolabilidad del Rey en el ordenamiento constitucional español” (“The prerogative of the inviolability of the King in the Spanish constitutional system”), Faculty of Law, 22 March 2013, 1 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Alessandro Pace, Professor of Constitutional Law. University of “La Sapienza”, Roma (Italy), “La Sentenza della Corte costituzionale n. 1/2013 del 15 gennaio e l'immunitá del Presidente della Repubblica” ("The Sentence of the Constitutional Court n. 1/2013, 15 January and the immunity of the Republic President”), Faculty of Law, 22 March 2013. 1 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Andrés Botero Bernal, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law of the University of Medellín (Colombia) , “El hiperpresidencialismo en la constitución colombiana” ("The hyperconstitutionalism in the Colombian Constitution), Faculty of Law, 18 February 2013, 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Alvaro Ciarlini, Magistrate of the Court of Justice of the Federal District of Brazil, “A atuação do Poder Judiciário na efetivação de direitos fundamentais” (“The role of the Judiciary in the realization of fundamental rights”), Faculty of Law, 13 February 2013. 1 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Gilmar Ferreira Mendes, Magistrate of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil, "Controle de constitucionalidade e efetivação dos direitos fundamentais (papel do STF)" (“Control of constitutionality and enforcement of fundamental rights (role of STF)"), Faculty of Law, 13 February 2013. 1 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

José Levi Mello do Amaral Junior, Associate Professor, University of São Paulo, Brazil, “La vigencia actual del principio de división de poderes” (“The contemporary relevance of the principle of separation of powers"), Faculty of Law, 29 January 2013. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Sabrina Ragone, Scholarship “García Pelayo” of the CEPC, Madrid, Spain , “Las reformas constitucionales para la estabilidad presupuestaria” (“Constitutional reforms to budgetary stability”), Faculty of Law, 23 January 2013. 4 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Ignacio Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Profesor Titular en la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), España, “Derechos fundamentales en la Unión Europea” (“Fundamental rights in the European Union”), Faculty of Law, 20 December 2012. 4 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Fausto Vecchio, Assistant Professor of International Law, University Kore of Enna, Italy , “Teorie costituzionali alla prova. La nuova Costituzione ungherese come metafora della crisi costituzionale europea” (“Constitutional theories to the test. The new Hungarian Constitution as a metaphor for Europe's constitutional crisis”), Faculty of Law, 17 December 2012. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 15 students.

Antonio D'Atena, University of Tor Vergata (Rome), Professor of Constitutional, “La influencia del regionalismo español y del federalismo alemán sobre el regionalismo italiano” (“The influence of Spanish regionalism and German federalism on Italian regionalism”), Faculty of Law, 17 Dicember 2012. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 15 students.

Vasco Pereira da Silva, Professor of Constitutional, University of Lisbon (Portugal), “Constitucionalismo europeo y global” (“European and Global Constitutionalism”), Faculty of Law, 17 December 2012. 2hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

María João Estorninho, Professor of Constitutional, University of Lisbon (Portugal), “El Derecho europeo de los contratos públicos” (“European Law of public contracts”), Faculty of Law, 17 December 2012. 2hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Paolo Ridola, University of La Sapienza (Rome), Professor of Constitutional Law, “El principio de subsidiariedad” (“The principle of subsidiarity”), Faculty of Law, 13 Dicember 2012, 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Angelo Schillaci, Post doctoral researcher of Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Teramo, Italy, “La protección de los derechos fundamentales en la UE” (“The jurisdictional protection of fundamental rights in the EU”), Faculty of Law, 13 December 2012. 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Giancarlo Rolla, Professor of Pubblic Law, University of Genoa, Italy, “La formazione di sistemi costituzionali multilivello e la tutela dei diritti fondamentali. L'utilizzazione da parte dei giudici nazionali delle Carte sovranazionali” (“The institution of multilevel constitutional systems and the protection of fundamental rights. The use from national judges of the supranational Charters”), Faculty of Law, 12 December 2012. 2 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Giancarlo Rolla, Professor of Public Law, University of Genoa, Italy, “Caratteristiche delle Codificazioni sovranazionali in materia di diritti fondamentali. La Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea e la Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo” (“Characteristics of the supranational codes of fundamental rights. The Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union and the Convention for the protection of human rights”, Faculty of Law, 12 December 2012. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students .

José Ángel Marín Gámez, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Jaén, “La aplicación judicial de la Carta Europea de Derechos Fundamentales” (“The judicial application of the European Charter on Fundamental Rights”), 11 December 2012. 4 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Stéphane Pinon, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law, University of La Rochelle France, “La europeización de la Constitución francesa y de sus procesos constitucionales” ("The Europeanization of the French Constitution and constitutional processes"), Faculty of Law, 27 November 2012. 2 hrs. Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Alberto Vespaziani, Associate Professor of the University of Molise, Italy, “Del desarrollo, ejecución y aplicación del Derecho comunitario, a su control de constitucionalidad” (From development, implementation and application of Community Law, to its constitutional control”), Faculty of Law, 22 November 2012. 4 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.

Ricardo Chueca Rodríguez, Professor of Constitutional Law, University of La Rioja, “Metodología del Derecho Constitucional Europeo” ( Methodology of European Constitutional Law ") , Faculty of Law, 5 and 6 november 2012. 8 hrs., Optional, undergraduate and postgraduate students, 20 students.